Bintuni Babo Mangrove
Category: editorial April 23, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Rakiba Piawe (left / 38 years) from the fisherman group Crab Makote shows the crust, the crab catcher she uses on Babo Island, West Papua, April 2, 2019. Through the effort of catching crabs, which she inherited from his mother, Rakiba Piawe is able to finance her family daily living needs - family day. - JP / Jerry Adiguna
Rakiba Piawe (kiri/38 tahun) dari kelompok nelayan Kepiting Makote menunjukkan kerambat, alat penangkap kepiting yang digunakannya di pulau Babo, Papua Barat, 2 April 2019. Melalui usaha penangkapan kepiting, yang diwarisinya dari keluarganya, Rakiba Piawe mampu membiayai kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari keluarganya. - JP/Jerry Adiguna