
File: audience with representatives of ex Gafatar

Category: editorial April 26, 2019. Credit:


Komnas HAM Freedom and Religion Desk (KBB) Desk Coordinator Jayadi Damanik (two left) with Komnas HAM Complaints Staff Siti Hidayawati (two right) and KBB Desk Member Subhi Azhari (left) receiving an audience with representatives of ex Gafatar Yudhistira (right) at the National Commission Office HAM, Jakarta, Monday (1/2). They urged the National Human Rights Commission to conduct a thorough investigation into alleged human rights violations that occurred on January 19, 2016 in Kalimantan against the homes of Gafatar members. - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / vja / 19


Koordinator Desk Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan (KBB) Komnas HAM Jayadi Damanik (dua kiri) bersama Staf Pengaduan Komnas HAM Siti Hidayawati (dua kanan) dan Anggota Desk KBB Subhi Azhari (kiri) menerima audiensi dengan perwakilan eks Gafatar Yudhistira (kanan) di Kantor Komnas HAM, Jakarta, Senin (1/2). Mereka mendesak Komnas HAM melakukan investigasi menyeluruh atas dugaan pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi pada 19 Januari 2016 di Kalimantan terhadap rumah anggota Gafatar. - JP/Dhoni Setiawan/vja/19


