Tarik Saksi BPN
Category: editorial May 20, 2019. Credit: DHONI SETIAWANDESCRIPTION (EN)
Two witnesses from the National Winning Body (BPN) 02 during the National Recapitulation process of the Presidential Election and Pileg in the Central Election Commission (KPU) Building, Jakarta, Monday (05/20/2019). Although the Central BPN has threatened to withdraw witnesses several times, until now the existence of witnesses from the National Land Agency has always followed various processes that took place at the Central KPU. - JP / Dhoni Setiawan / vja / 19
Dua saksi dari Badan Pemenangan Nasional (BPN) 02 mengikuti proses Rekapitulasi Nasional Pilpres maupun Pileg di Gedung Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Pusat, Jakarta, Senin (20/5/2019). Meski BPN Pusat beberapa kali mengancam mau menarik saksi namun hingga sekarang keberadaan saksi BPN masih selalu mengikuti berbagai proses yang berlangsung di KPU Pusat. JP/Dhoni Setiawan