Mass exodus with BUMN
Category: editorial May 28, 2019. Credit: Seto WardhanaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Participants of the 2019 Mudik (exodus) with BUMN wait for Gumarang train to Surabaya from Pasar Senen station, Jakarta, on Tuesday, May 28, 2019. Mudik (exodus) with BUMN are targeted to deliver 250,338 travelers in Eid Fitr 1440H. JP/Seto Wardhana/sas/19
Peserta Mudik Bareng BUMN 2019 menaiki kereta Gumarang tujuan Surabaya di stasiun Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Selasa, 28 Mei 2019.kegiatan Mudik Bareng BUMN ditargetkan dapat mengantar 250.338 pemudik pada idul fitri 1440H. JP/Seto Wardhana/sas/19