Pemusnahan Barang Bukti Bea Cukai Malang
Category: editorial June 25, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The officer symbolically destroyed some of the evidence from the action of the Customs Office of Malang, East Java, on Tuesday (06/25/2019). The total estimate of state losses from goods that are prosecuted during this January to May 2019 reaching Rp. 1.2 billion. - JP / Nedi Putra AW / vja / 19
Petugas memusnahkan secara simbolis sebagian barang bukti hasil penindakan Kantor Bea Cukai Malang, Jawa Timur, Selasa, (25/6/2019). Total perkiraan kerugian negara dari barang hasil penindakan selama bulan Januari hingga Mei 2019 ini mencapai Rp. 1.2 milyar. - JP/Nedi Putra AW/vja/19