Tangkap Pelaku Hoax
Category: editorial July 01, 2019. Credit: Dhoni SetiawanDESCRIPTION (EN)
A hoax suspect, MAM, (center), as the owner of the Instagram account @rif_opposite, was shown during the release of news hoax case at the Public Relations of National Police Headquarters , Jakarta, on Monday July 1, 2019. The police succeeded in arresting the perpetrators because they massively uploaded 2,542 provocative content to government figures, religious leaders, former presidents, police institutions, KPU, and quick count agencies. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19
Tersangka MAM (tengah), pemilik akun Instagram @rif_opposite diperlihatkan saat rilis kasus pemberitaan hoaks di Gedung Divisi Humas Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Senin (1/7/2019). Pihak Kepolisian berhasil menangkap pelaku karena secara masif mengunggah 2.542 konten provokatif kepada para tokoh pemerintahan, tokoh agama, mantan presiden, institusi Polri, KPU, dan lembaga penghitungan cepat atau quick count. -JP / Dhoni Setiawan / Adi / 19