
Ilegal animal trafficking

Category: editorial July 03, 2019. Credit:


Suspects in endangered animal trafficking when they held the case of illegal trafficking of protected animals at the National Police Bareskrim Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (July 3, 2019). Dittipidter Bareskrim Polri Investigator together with the Directorate General of Gakkum KLHK and wildlife watchdog (JAAN and WCS) succeeded in revealing the trade network of protected animals in Kudus, Pati, and Jepara, Central Java by arresting three MUA, AM and KG suspects and securing evidence of a number of animals protected are five Land Kangaroo / Aru Guide (Thylogale brunii), one Honey Bear (Helarctos malayanus), 15 Golden / Beo Chinese (Gracula religiosa), two Yellow Crested Cockatoos (Cacatua sulphurea), two Black Head Parrots (Lorius lory), and one tail Nam Kelam (Pseudeos fuscata). - JP/Seto Wardhana/bud/19


Tersangka perdagangan hewan langka saat gelar kasus perdagangan ilegal satwa dilindungi di Gedung Bareskrim Polri, Jakarta, Rabu (3 Juli 2019). Penyidik Dittipidter Bareskrim Polri bersama Ditjen Gakkum KLHK dan lembaga pemerhati satwa (JAAN dan WCS) berhasil mengungkap jaringan perdagangan satwa dilindungi di Kabupaten Kudus, Pati, dan Jepara, Jawa Tengah dengan menangkap tiga tersangka MUA, AM, dan KG serta mengamankan barang bukti sejumlah satwa dilindungi yakni lima ekor Kanguru Tanah/Pelandu Aru (Thylogale brunii), satu ekor Beruang Madu (Helarctos malayanus), 15 ekor Burung Tiong Emas/Beo (Gracula religiosa), dua ekor Kakaktua Jambul Kuning (Cacatua sulphurea), dua ekor Nuri Kepala Hitam (Lorius lory), dan satu ekor Nuri Kelam (Pseudeos fuscata). - JP/Seto Wardhana/bud/19


