Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik
Category: editorial July 09, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The Blitar police station gave a press statement last week, July 2, 2019, related to the summoning of the owner of the Facebook account Aida Konveksi who allegedly violated an article of insult and hate speech by sharing a meme picture titled the new pharaoh. -JP / Asip Box / Adi / 19
Polres Blitar memberikan keterangan pers pekan lalu, 2 Juli 2019, terkait pemanggilan terhadap pemilik akun facebook Aida Konveksi yang diduga melanggar pasal penghinaan dan ujaran kebencian dengan membagikan gambar meme berjudul ‘the new firaun.’ -JP/ Asip Box/Adi/19