Istana Bogor
Category: editorial July 09, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Ciliwung water discharge in the Katulampa dam since mid-June has dropped dramatically, usually Ciliwung reaches 4000-5000 liters per second, now only 2500 liters per second, and most of it is diverted for irrigation including to fulfill water needs for botanical gardens and Bogor palaces. Tuesday (9/7). Pool in the bogor botanical garden. One of the largest ponds, which holds water from the Katulampa dam, through irrigation. -JP / Theresia Sufa / Adi / 19
Debit air ciliwung di bendung Katulampa sejak pertengahan Juni lalu turun drastis, biasanya Ciliwung mencapai 4000-5000 liter per detik, sekarang hanya 2500 liter per detik, dan sebagian besar dialihkan untuk irigasi termasuk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bagi kebun raya dan istana Bogor. Selasa (9/7).Kolam gunting di kebun raya bogor. Salah satu kolam terbesar, yang menampung air dari bendung Katulampa, melalui irigasi. -JP/Theresia Sufa/Adi/19