New Logo
Category: editorial July 22, 2019. Credit: Dhoni SetiawanDESCRIPTION (EN)
Founder and CEO Global Gojek Nadiem Makarim wear a helmet before following touring with some online drivers after launching the new Gojek logo in Jakarta on Monday, July 22, 2019. Gojek launches a new logo to mark its 9th anniversary and introduces a new logo that illustrates the company's business evolution which has become a on demand platform that has a total of 22 services. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/sas/19
Founder and CEO Global Gojek Nadiem Makarim (kanan) mengenakan helm saat akan melakukan touring bersama sejumlah mitra driver online usai peluncuran logo baru Gojek di Jakarta, Senin (22/7/2019). Perusahaan penyedia aplikasi Gojek meluncurkan logo baru untuk menandai hari jadinya ke-9 tahun, Gojek memperkenalkan logo baru yang menggambarkan evolusi bisnis perusahaan yang telah menjadi platform on demand yang memiliki total 22 layanan. JP/Dhoni Setiawan/sas/19