sophiscated stove
Category: editorial July 30, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Visitors examine the kitchen equipment products in Fotile showroom, Jakarta on Monday July 29 2019. Fotile, which is dedicated in the world premium kitchen appliances, has been established for three years in Indonesia and focuses on one thing, namely improving the cooking environment in the kitchen throughout the world with produce an international standard smoke suction device. JP/Wienda Parwitasari/sas/19
Pengunjung melihat produk peralatan dapur di showroom Fotile, Jakarta, Senin 29 Juli 2019. Fotile yang berdedikasi di bidang peralatan dapur kelas premium dunia ini telah berdiri selama tiga tahun di Indonesia dan fokus pada satu hal, yaitu memperbaiki lingkungan memasak di dapur di seluruh dunia dengan menghasilkan alat penghisap asap berstandar Internasional. JP/Wienda Parwitasari/sas/19