Pentas Hiburan Rakyat
Category: editorial July 31, 2019. Credit: SUHERDJOKODESCRIPTION (EN)
HEART BROKEN SONG - Godfather of Broken Heart Didi Kempot is now the idol of young fans with songs that are longing to heartbreak. Almost all the lyrics of the song are popular with young people and they memorize and often hum together. - JP / Suherdjoko / Adi / 19
LAGU PATAH HATI - Godfather of Broken Heart Didi Kempot kini menjadi idola penggemar muda dengan lagu-lagu yang bertemakan kerinduan hingga patah hati. Hampir semua lirik lagunya digemari anak muda dan mereka hafal dan sering bersenandung bersama. - JP/Suherdjoko/Adi/19