File: Hari Bumi di Aceh
Category: editorial August 01, 2019. Credit: Hotli SimanjuntakDESCRIPTION (EN)
A student smashes his face with mud as a sign of protest against earth damage while commemorating Earth Day in Banda Aceh April 22, 2017. Management of the earth that does not preserve the earth's preservation is considered as one of the ways humans accelerate the earth's dredge.-JP / Hotli Simanjuntak / Adi / 19
Seorang mahasiswa mebalur wajahnya dengan lumpur sebagai tanda protes terhadap kerusakan bumi saat memperingati hari bumi di Banda Aceh 22 April 2017. Pengelolaan bumi yang kurang menjaga kelestarian bumi dianggap sebagai salah satu cara manusia mempercepat kerukan bumi.-JP/Hotli Simanjuntak/Adi/19