
File: Ladang Ganja

Category: editorial August 01, 2019. Credit: HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK


Members of the Aceh police were extracting illegal cannabis during the destruction of the cannabis field in the Lam Teuba area, Aceh Besar November 3, 2016. Cases of drug abuse handled by the Aceh Regional Police and police ranks during the January to September 2016 recorded 1,195 cases with 1,440 suspects, with goods evidence confiscated was 13.2 tons of dried marijuana, 71.2 kg of methamphetamine. The 83 ecstasy pills and cannabis fields destroyed were 426.5 hectares in area.-JP / Hotli Simanjuntak / Adi / 19


Anggota polisi Aceh sedang mencabuti tanaman ganja ilegal saat pemusnahan ladang ganja di kawasan Lam Teuba, Aceh Besar 03 November 2016. Kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba yang ditangani Polda Aceh dan polres jajaran selama kurun waktu Januari sampai September 2016 tercatat 1.195 kasus dengan tersangka 1.440 orang, dengan barang bukti yang disita berupa ganja kering sebanyak 13,2 ton, sabu sebanyak 71,2 kg. Pil ekstasi 83 butir dan ladang ganja yang dimusnahkan seluas 426,5 hektare.-JP/Hotli Simanjuntak/Adi/19


