File: Idul Fitri di Aceh
Category: editorial August 01, 2019. Credit: HOTLI SIMANJUNTAKDESCRIPTION (EN)
Two Acehnese girls take a photo using a cellphone after the Eid prayer in Banda Aceh July 6, 2016. Muslim communities throughout Indonesia celebrate Eid after a month of fasting. -JP / Hotli Simanjuntak / Adi / 19
Dua gadis aceh berfoto menggunakan telepon genggam usai pelaksanaan sholad ied di Banda Aceh 06 Juli 2016. Masyarakat Muslim seluruh Indonesia merayakan Idul Fitri setelah melakukan puasa selama satu bulan penuh.-JP/Hotli Simanjuntak/Adi/19