Sutet investigation
Category: editorial August 06, 2019. Credit: SUHERDJOKODESCRIPTION (EN)
Members of the Semarang branch of the National Police Headquarters Forensic Laboratory Team and the Semarang Police Inafis Team, on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, investigate the explosion that occurred in the Sutet network area in Malon Sub-District, Gunungpati District, Semarang City, Central Java, which occurred on Sunday (August 4, 2019) at around 11:30 . Allegedly due to the explosion triggered a power outage in the Greater Jakarta area on Sunday afternoon until the afternoon. JP/Suherdjoko/bud/19
Anggota Tim Laboratorium Forensik Mabes Polri Cabang Semarang dan Tim Inafis Polrestabes Semarang, Selasa (6 Agustus 2019) menyelidiki ledakan yang terjadi di daerah jaringan Sutet di Kelurahan Malon, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang yang terjadi pada Minggu (4 Agustus 2019) siang sekitar pukul 11.30. Diduga akibat ledakan itu memicu putusnya pasokan listrik ke wilayah Jabodetabek pada Minggu siang hingga sore hari. JP/Suherdjoko/bud/19