Kongres ke V PDI Perjuangan di Bali
Category: editorial August 09, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
An investigator saw a photography exhibition with the theme "PDI Perjuangan's Leadership, Society and Creative Campaign". the work of 25 journalists at the location of the PDI-P Congress V in Sanur, Bali 09/08/2019. - JP / Zul Trio Anggono / Adi / 19
Seorang simpatisan melihat pameran fotografi dengan tema "Kepemimpinan, Kerakyatan dan Kampanye Kreatif PDI Perjuangan". karya 25 jurnalis di lokasi Kongres V PDI Perjuangan di Sanur, Bali 09/08/2019. - JP/Zul Trio Anggono/Adi/19