
File: Keterangan Uskup Agung

Category: editorial August 11, 2019. Credit:


Archbishop of Jakarta, Mgr. Ignatus Soeharyo (center) accompanied by vicar general of the Great General Keusukupan Jakarta, rm. Samuel Pangestu Pr. (left) and the head of the Church of the Mother of the Ketedral of Our Lady in the Rapture to Heaven, rm. Hani R. Hartoko SJ (right) speaks in front of the journalists when holding a press conference of the Archbishop of Jakarta, related to a number of incidents of terror that occurred in the last few days, Jakarta, May 14, 2018. In his message, the Archbishop of Jakarta, Mgr. Igantius Soeharyo Pr. invites all parties to prioritize the interests of the state and the unity of the Republic of Indonesia in the face of ongoing acts of terror, and appeal to all citizens not to be provoked in the path of violence perpetrated by terrorists. - JP / Jerry Adiguna / Adi / 19


Uskup Agung Jakarta, Mgr. Ignatus Soeharyo (tengah) di dampingi vikaris jenderal Keusukupan Agung Jakarta, rm. Samuel Pangestu Pr. (kiri) dan kepala Paroki gereja Ketedral Bunda Maria di Angkat Ke Surga, rm. Hani R. Hartoko SJ (kanan) berbicara di depan juranalis saat menggelar keterangan pers Uskup Agung Jakarta, terkait sejumlah insiden aksi teror yang terjadi dalam beberapa hari terakhir, Jakarta, 14 Mei 2018. Dalam pesannya, Uskup Agung Jakarta, Mgr. Igantius Soeharyo Pr. mengajak segenap pihak untuk mengedepankan kepentingan negara dan kesatuan Republik Indonesia dalam menghadapi aksi teror yang berlangsung, serta menghimbau kepada semua warga agar tidak terpancing dalam jalan kekerasan yang di lakukan oleh para pelaku aksi teror. - JP/ Jerry Adiguna/Adi/19


