
Perdagangan Satwa Dilindungi

Category: editorial August 14, 2019. Credit: ^


Head of Sub-Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police Headquarters Adi Karya (two right) symbolically handed over a crocodile's skull to the Foreign National Kasatgas Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia Attorney General Morang (three right) from the results of the disclosure of the International Trade Network for protected parts of animals from Indonesia joint team of the Gakkum KLHK-Bareskrim The National Police with the Dutch police from a Dutch suspect Eric Roer at the Bali Regional Police on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. From the suspects, the officers used some evidence such as deer pig's head, Bahar's root bracelet, Sawing Sharks snout, Crocodile skull and turtle skull. - JP/Zul Trio Anggono/bud/19


Kasubdit tipidter Bareskrim Polri Adi Karya ( dua kanan) menyerahkan secara simbolis sebuah tengkorak kepala buaya kepada Kasatgas Sumber daya Alam Luar Negeri Kejaksaan Agung RI Morang (tiga kanan) dari hasil pengungkapan jaringan Internasional perdagangan bagian satwa yang dilindungi asal Indonesia tim gabungan Gakkum KLHK- Bareskrim Polri dengan kepolisian Belanda dari seorang tersangaka warga Negara Belanda Eric Roer di Polda Bali Rabu 14 Agustus 2019. Dari tersangka petugas mengamnakan sebagian barang bukti seperti kepala babi rusa, Gelang akar Bahar, Moncong Hiu Gergaji, tengkorak Buaya dan tengkorak kepala penyu. - JP/Zul Trio Anggono/bud/19


