Pondok Pesantren Waria
Category: editorial August 15, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Religious discussion of Al-Fatah transvestite students with volunteers. Every Wednesday and Sunday during Ramadan recitation is held followed by religious discussion. The students discuss a religious theme with the volunteers. During the Ramadan Al Fatah perform recitation and discussion in every Wednesday and Sunday. -JP / Magnus Hendratmo / Adi / 19
Suasana diskusi keagamaan para santri waria Al-Fatah bersama volunteer . Setiap Rabu dan Minggu selama Ramadhan diadakan pengajian dilanjutkan diskusi keagamaan. The students discuss a religious theme with the volunteers. During the Ramadhan Al Fatah performs recitation and discussion in every Wednesday and Sunday. -JP/ Magnus Hendratmo/Adi/19