File: Beras Impor dari Thailand
Category: editorial August 15, 2019. Credit: NurhayatiDESCRIPTION (EN)
Some coolies transport imported rice from Thailand at the time of loading and unloading at the Jakarta Public Logistics Agency (Bulog) Warehouse, Monday (5/12). The flood that hit Thailand had intended to cancel its rice export agreement to Indonesia, but the disaster only affected 20 percent of rice production. Thailand began sending its rice to Indonesia in accordance with the initial commitment of 300 thousand tons.-JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19
Beberapa kuli mengangkut beras impor dari Thailand pada saat bongkar muat di Gudang Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) DKI Jakarta, Senin (5/12). Banjir yang melanda Thailand sempat berniat membatalkan kesepakatan ekspor berasnya ke Indonesia, namun bencana tersebut hanya mempengaruhi 20 persen produksi beras. Thailand mulai mengirim berasnya ke Indonesia sesuai dengan komitmen awal sebesar 300 ribu ton.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19