File: BTS Telekomunikasi
Category: editorial August 18, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Two officers perform maintenance of telecommunications towers at PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure, Tbk (TBIG) in the Cikampek area - West Java, Friday (02/08). Specifically in the TBIG homecoming route, TBIG operates 368 sites, while in the southern homecoming route TBIG operates 457 sites. TBIG prepares a team that is ready 24 hours 7 days for possible risks. -JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19
Dua petugas melakukan perawatan tower telekomunikasi di PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure,Tbk (TBIG) di daerah Cikampek - Jawa Barat, Jumat (02/08). Khusus di jalur mudik pantura TBIG mengoperasikan 368 sites, sedangkan di jalur mudik selatan TBIG mengoperasikan 457 sites. TBIG menyiapkan tim yang siap 24 jam 7 hari untuk kemungkinan risiko.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19