Kebakaran Hutan di Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan
Category: editorial August 20, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Nearly a week of forest and land in Muara Medak Village, Bayung Lencir District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra caught fire and caused thick smoke. The extent of the burned land has even expanded many times. Data from BPBD of South Sumatra Province recorded that the initial fire occurred on Thursday (15/8) covering an area of 100 hectares, until Monday (8/19) the area burned to 600 hectares. Furthermore, the final report from the Muba Regency Government stated that the burned land had reached 3,250 hectares - JP / Yulia Savitri / Adi / 1
Hampir sepekan hutan dan lahan di Desa Muara Medak, Kecamatan Bayung Lencir, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Sumatra Selatan terbakar dan menimbulkan asap tebal. Luasan lahan yang terbakar bahkan meluas berkali-kali lipat. Dari data BPBD Provinsi Sumatra Selatan tercatat kebakaran awal terjadi pada Kamis (15/8) seluas 100 hektar, hingga Senin (19/8) lahan terbakar menjadi 600 hektar. Selanjutnya, laporan akhir dari Pemkab Muba disebutkan lahan terbakar telah mencapai 3.250 hektar-JP/Yulia Savitri/Adi/19