File: Jalan Layang Non Tol
Category: editorial August 20, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The four-wheeled vehicle enters the Prince Antasari-Blok M non-toll flyover (JLNT) from the direction of Cipete Market, South Jakarta, which opened today, Monday 5 March 2013, after a temporary closure since Thursday 28 February. The road closure along the 4.8 kilometers was carried out related to the installation of expansion connections on the on ramp. The project, initially under construction was constrained by land acquisition around the Cipete Market. But at the end of last year the land acquisition was completed, so improvements were made.-JP / Ricky Yudhistira / Adi / 19
Kendaraan roda empat memasuki jalan layang non tol (JLNT) Pangeran Antasari-Blok M dari arah Pasar Cipete, Jakarta Selatan yang dibuka hari ini, Senin 5 Maret 2013, setelah penutupan sementara sejak Kamis 28 Februari lalu. Penutupan jalan sepanjang 4,8 kilometer itu dilakukan terkait pemasangan sambungan ekspansi pada akses naik (on ramp). Proyek ini, semula pembangunannya terkendala dengan pembebasan lahan di sekitar Pasar Cipete. Namun pada akhir tahun lalu pembebasan lahan sudah selesai, sehingga penyempurnaan pun dilakukan.-JP/Ricky Yudhistira/Adi/19