
File: Jaringan Solidaritas Korban untuk Keadilan (JSKK), Kamisan

Category: editorial August 20, 2019. Credit:


Sumarsih argued with the police because they were prevented by the police when he along with the Victim Solidarity Network for Justice (JSKK) wanted to meet the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Djoko Suyanto in Jakarta, Thursday, March 7, 2013. According to JSKK, the best solution to severe human rights violations was with a state apology that must be accompanied by the formation of an ad hoc human rights court for justice for both victims and perpetrators, so that the nation is not hostage to cases that interfere with the nation's journey going forward.-JP / Ricky Yudhistira / Adi / 19


Sumarsih berdebat dengan polisi karena dihalangi oleh polisi saat ia bersama Jaringan Solidaritas Korban untuk Keadilan (JSKK) lainnya hendak menemui Menteri Koordinator bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Djoko Suyanto di Jakarta, Kamis 7 Maret 2013. Menurut JSKK, penyelesaian terbaik pelanggaran HAM berat adalah dengan permintaan maaf negara yang harus disertai pem bentukan pengadilan HAM ad Hoc untuk keadilan baik korban maupun pelaku, sehingga bangsa tidak tersandera kasus-kasus yang mengganggu perjalanan bangsa ke depan.-JP/Ricky Yudhistira/Adi/19


