
Bui Squad

Category: editorial August 21, 2019. Credit:


One of the fostered residents in the Maesa Detention Center, Palu, made banana chips inside the detention center. The making of banana chips was built by Bui Squad, a humanitarian volunteer who was formed during the earthquake, tsunami and faction last September 28, 2018. After the disaster, these volunteers continue to work to provide guidance to both the survivors and fostered residents in the Maesa Detention Center in Palu. Fostered citizen, Marten Tibe in charge of peeling the banana peel. JP / Ruslan Sangadji / Adi / 19


Salah seorang warga binaan di Rutan Maesa, Palu, membuat kripik pisang di dalam rutan. Pembuatan kripik pisang itu atas binaan Bui Squad, relawan kemanusiaan yang terbentuk saat gempa, tsunami dan likuefaksi 28 September 2018 lalu. Pasca bencana, relawan ini tetap bekerja melakukan pembinaan baik terhadap penyintas maupun warga binaan di Rutan Maesa Palu. Warga binaan, Marten Tibe yang bertugas mengupas kulit pisang.-JP/Ruslan Sangadji/Adi/19


