Kampung Homestay di Magelang
Category: editorial August 21, 2019. Credit: SUHERDJOKODESCRIPTION (EN)
PAINTING UMBRELLA - Several domestic tourists came to Kampung Homestay in Ngaran II Hamlet, Borobudur Village, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java; can practice painting on traditional umbrellas with various paintings. There are five guides who teach them so that the plain color umbrella can become interesting colors. The price of an umbrella starts from Rp. 60,000 to Rp. 100,000 depending on the diameter. - JP / Suherdjoko / Adi / 19
MELUKIS PAYUNG - Beberapa turis domestik yang datang ke Kampung Homestay di Dusun Ngaran II, Desa Borobudur, Kecamatan Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah; bisa berlatih melukis di payung tradisional dengan berbagai lukisan. Ada lima pemandu yang mengajari mereka sehingga payung warna polos itu bisa menjadi aneka warna menarik. Harga payung mulai dari Rp 60.000 hingga Rp 100.000 tergantung diameternya. - JP/Suherdjoko/Adi/19