Pelajar Papua
Category: editorial August 21, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A high school student from Papua is following the game of "poisonous river" in the Blitar City Mapolres yard, Wednesday (21 August 2019), in the framework of the 74th Indonesian Independence Day. As many as 21 students from Papua who were studying in a number of schools in Blitar were invited by the Blitar City Police Precinct to attend Indonesia's independence celebration. - JP/Asip Hasani/bud/19
Seorang siswa SLTA asal Papua sedang mengikuti permaian "sungai beracun" di halaman Mapolres Blitar Kota, Rabu (21 Agustus 2019), dalam rangka HUT RI ke-74. Sebanyak 21 siswa asal Papua yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di sejumlah sekolah di Blitar diundang oleh Polres Blitar Kota untuk mengikuti perayaan kemerdekaan RI. - JP/Asip Hasani/bud/19