Bambang Budi Utomo (Arkeolog Nasional)
Category: editorial August 23, 2019. Credit: Fransiskus Narabeto KorohamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Bambang Budi Utomo, National Archeology (Arkenas) also attended the Pamalayu Festival at the National Museum, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 22, 2019. The festival was held with one of the aims of rectifying the history of Dharmasraya.-JP / Narabeto Korohama / Adi / 19
Bambang Budi Utomo, Arkeologi Nasional (Arkenas) turut hadir dalam Festival Pamalayu di Museum Nasional, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 22 Agustus 2019. Festival ini diadakan dengan salah satu tujuan yakni meluruskan sejarah Dharmasraya.-JP/Narabeto Korohama/Adi/19