
Keberatan Kenaikan Iuaran BPJS Kesehatan

Category: editorial September 02, 2019. Credit: Aman Rochman


Officers serving residents queuing the registration process of new members and BPJS Health administration problems at the BPJS Health Branch Office in Malang, East Java, Monday (2/9). The public objected to the government's plan to raise the BPJS Health contribution to double the planned rate of effect in September 2019. Increase in participant contributions rather than wages; class I increased Rp 160 thousand from Rp 80 thousand, class II increased Rp 75 thousand from Rp 51 thousand, and class III increased Rp 42 thousand from Rp 25 thousand previously. JP / Aman Rochman / Adi / 19


Petugas melayani warga antrian proses admistrasi anggota baru dan permasalahan admistrasi BPJS Kesehatan di Kantor Cabang BPJS Kesehatan Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, Senin (2/9). Masyarakat keberatan rencana pemerintah menaikan iuran BPJS Kesehatan mencapai dua kali lipat yang direncanakan berlaku pada September 2019. Kenaikan iuran peserta bukan upah; kelas I naik Rp 160 ribu dari Rp 80 ribu, Kelas II naik Rp 75 ribu dari Rp 51 ribu, dan kelas III naik Rp 42 ribu dari sebelumnya Rp 25 ribu. JP/ Aman Rochman/Adi/19


