File: Jelajah Kuburan
Category: editorial September 03, 2019. Credit: Arya DipaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Two chickens crossed near the headstone of the pilot Captain Dr. Ir. Charles Philippe Marie Mathus Bogaerts (left) and First Lieutenant Infantry Johannes Cornelis Pols from the Netherlands, who were killed in a Fokker F.C.V 442 plane crash in Padalarang on 31 August 1933 ago. This tomb is located on the right side of the Pandu Public Cemetery and is the only gravestone in the form of a statue of a person. - JP / Arya Dipa / Adi / 19
Dua ayam melintas di dekat nisan pilot Kapten Dr. Ir. Charles Philippe Marie Mathus Bogaerts (kiri) dan Letnan Satu Infanteri Johannes Cornelis Pols asal Belanda, yang gugur dalam kecelakaan pesawat Fokker F.C.V 442 di Padalarang pada 31 Augustus 1933 silam. Makam ini terdapat di sisi kanan Tempat Pemakaman Umum Pandu dan merupakan satu-satunya nisan dengan bentuk patung orang. - JP/Arya Dipa/Adi/19