File: Demo Karyawan SCTV
Category: editorial September 05, 2019. Credit: R. Berto WedhatamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Hundreds of SCTV employees took action in front of their office in the Senayan area, Jakarta on January 14, 2013. The demonstration was attended by several unions under SCTV management such as Astek (Association of Indonesia Union), KSPI (Confederation of Indonesian trade unions), and Sepaham ( Prosperous son code union). In the action, those who are permanent employees refuse to be outsourced employees. The demonstrators said the company would fire them and then become outsourced employees. -JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19
Ratusan karyawan SCTV melakukan aksi di depan kantor mereka di kawasan Senayan, Jakarta 14 Januari 2013. demo tersebut diikuti beberapa serikat pekerja yang ada di bawah manajemen SCTV seperti Astek (Association of Indonesia Union), KSPI (Konfederasi serikat pekerja Indonesia), dan Sepaham (Serikat pekerja sandi putra makmur). Dalam aksinya, mereka yang merupakan pegawai tetap ini menolak dijadikan karyawan outsourcing. Para pendemo menyebut perusahaan akan memecat mereka lalu dijadikan karyawan outsourcing. -JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19