File; Banjir Kampung Pulo
Category: editorial September 05, 2019. Credit: R. Berto WedhatamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Residents of Pulo village, Jatinegara are preparing to leave the refugee camp to return to their homes after the floods are confirmed to have receded and their homes have been cleaned of the remaining mud. After the flood recedes new problems emerge, various rubbish and diseases begin to emerge in locations that had been submerged by floods. last time. -JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19
Warga kampung pulo, Jatinegara bersiap untuk meninggalkan tempat pengungsian kembali ke rumah mereka setelah banjir dipastikan surut dan rumah mereka sudah dibersihkan dari lumpur yang tersisa.Setelah banjir surut permasalahan baru muncul, aneka sampah dan penyakit mulai muncul di lokasi-lokasi yang sempat terendam banjir beberapa waktu lalu. -JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19