Sampah di Kali Jambe Tambun Bekasi
Category: editorial September 06, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of children from the village of Mangunjaya Tambun - Bekasi, West Java (Friday, September 6, 2019) descended to the banks of the Jambe River to witness the heavy equipment that would transport garbage that covered the surface of the Jambe River. The lack of cleanliness concerns from the community makes these rubbish thrown away by the community when passing through this Jambe River. -JP / P.J.Leo / leo / 19
Sejumlah anak-anak warga desa Mangunjaya Tambun - Bekasi, Jawa Barat (Jum'at, 6 September 2019) turun ke bantaran Kali Jambe guna menyaksikan alat berat yang akan mengangkut sampah yang menutupi permukaan Kali Jambe. Tidak adanya kepedulian kebersihan dari masyarakat, menjadikan sampah-sampah ini dibuang oleh masyarakat saat melintas di Kali Jambe ini. -JP/P.J.Leo/leo/19