
File: Mitsubiishi Elektric Hadir di Indonesia

Category: editorial September 08, 2019. Credit: R. Berto Wedhatama


From left: President Director of Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia, Takeshi Terada - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation's Factory Automation & Industrial Division, Takeshi Yoshida and General Manager of Asia Electric Office of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Masanori Akomoto at the launch of PT. Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia, Thursday, November 14th. 2013 in Jakarta. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation today announced its presence in Indonesia by establishing a distribution company called PT Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia. The company will officially become a sales center for Mitsubishi's electronic products ranging from air conditioners, household electronic equipment to factory machinery. Officially, this new company officially began operations in March 2013. The company will combine sales from their three existing manufacturing businesses in Indonesia, such as automotive equipment factories, elevators and escalators. Mitsubishi Electric targets the establishment of the new company to increase sales with a consolidated sales target of 23 billion yen, or the equivalent of US $ 300 million per year in 2016. -JP / R. Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19


Dari kiri : Presiden Direktur Mitsubishi electric Indonesia, Takeshi Terada - Factory Automation & Industrial Division Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Takeshi Yoshida dan General Manager Asia Corporate Office Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Masanori Akomoto di acara peluncuran PT. Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia, Kamis 14 Nov. 2013 di Jakarta. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation hari ini mengumumkan kehadirannya di Indonesia dengan mendirikan perusahaan distribusi bernama PT Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia. Perusahaan ini secara resmi akan menjadi pusat penjualan produk elektronik milik Mitsubishi mulai dari pendingin udara, peralatan elektronik rumah tangga sampai dengan mesin pabrik. Secara resmi, perusahaan baru ini resmi memulai operasional bulan Maret 2013 mendatang. Perusahaan ini akan menggabungkan penjualan dari ketiga bisnis manufaktur mereka yang sudah ada di Indonesia, seperti pabrik peralatan otomotif, lift dan eskalator. Mitsubishi Electric menargetkan, pendirian perusahaan baru itu akan meningkatkan penjualan dengan target konsolidasi penjualan sebesar 23 miliar yen, atau setara US$ 300 juta per tahun di tahun 2016 mendatang. -JP/R. Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19


