File: Bandung Philharmonic
Category: editorial September 10, 2019. Credit: Arya DipaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Bandung Philharmonic's Director of Music, Robert Nordling (center) leads 65 orchestra players in the Krakatoa program at the Hilton Hotel, Bandung, Saturday (1/27). Bandung Philharmonic became the first orchestra to present the composition of Krakatoa by Stacy Garrop in their first concert in their third season. - JP / Arya Dipa] / Adi / 19
Direktur Musik Bandung Philharmonic, Robert Nordling (tengah) memimpin 65 pemain orkestra dalam program Krakatoa di Hilton Hotel, Bandung, Sabtu (27/1). Bandung Philharmonic menjadi orkestra pertama yang membawakan komposisi Krakatoa karya Stacy Garrop dalam konser pertamanya di musim ketiga mereka. - JP/Arya Dipa]/Adi/19