File: Perdagangan Bursa di tresury Bank BNI 46
Category: editorial September 15, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
The trading exchange in the BNI BNI 46, Jakarta. Ending the trade on Tuesday (12/27/2011), the JCI closed thinning at 7.726 points (0.20%) to a level of 3,789,425. The LQ 45 index closed down 1,373 points (0.20%) to 670,015. The tradition of polishing stock prices to make them more beautiful or commonly called window dressing. - JP / R Berto Wedhatama / Adi / 19
Suasana perdagangan bursa di tresury BNI'46, Jakarta. Mengakhiri perdagangan, Selasa (27/12/2011), IHSG ditutup menipis 7,726 poin (0,20%) ke level 3.789,425. Indeks LQ 45 ditutup turun tipis 1,373 poin (0,20%) ke level 670,015. Tradisi memoles harga saham supaya lebih cantik atau yang biasa di sebut window dressing. - JP/R Berto Wedhatama/Adi/19