
File: Aksi Warga Tolak Rumah Deret Taman Sari

Category: editorial September 17, 2019. Credit: Arya Dipa


A reckless resident wants to climb over the fence when questioning the government's assertiveness related to the alleged violation of the environmental permit of Taman Sari's Rumah Deret project at the Bandung Office of the Environment Office, Tuesday (3/20). At least 35 heads of family still survive in 14 buildings in the area that have been razed by the government because they are still waiting for legal processes related to compensation from the government in the project. - JP / Arya Dipa / Adi / 19


Seorang warga nekat hendak memanjat pagar saat mempertanyakan ketegasan pemerintah terkait dugaan pelanggaran izin lingkungan proyek Rumah Deret Taman Sari di kantor Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung, Selasa (20/3). Sedikitnya 35 kepala keluarga masih bertahan di 14 bangunan dalam kawasan yang sudah diratakan oleh pemerintah karena masih menunggu proses hukum terkait kompensasi dari pemerintah dalam proyek tersebut. - JP/Arya Dipa/Adi/19


