
File: Peringatan 60 thn Konferensi Asia Afrika

Category: editorial September 17, 2019. Credit: Koleksi Museum Konperensi Asia A


Wisma Siliwangi still looks magnificent at the time of the 1955 Asian-African Conference. Roeslan Abdulgani in his book Bandung Connection stated that this place was the location of Indonesian Prime Minister Ali Sastroamidjojo's debate with the Indonesian delegation who designed material related to the holding of the Asian-African Conference in 1955. Search for photos or documentation of activities at Wisma Siliwangi this is fairly difficult and there is only one photograph of evidence of its existence in the Museum of the Asian-African Conference. -JP / Collection of the Museum of the Asian-African Conference / Adi / 19


Wisma Siliwangi masih tampak megah pada masa penyelenggaraan Konferensi Asia Afrika 1955. Roeslan Abdulgani dalam bukunya Bandung Connection menyatakan tempat ini merupakan lokasi perdebatan Perdana Menteri Indonesia Ali Sastroamidjojo dengan delegasi Indonesia yang merancang materi terkait penyelenggaraan Konferensi Asia Afrika pada tahun 1955. Pencarian foto atau dokumentasi kegiatan di Wisma Siliwangi ini terbilang sulit dan hanya ada satu foto saja bukti keberadaannya di Museum Konperensi Asia Afrika.-JP/Koleksi Museum Konperensi Asia Afrika/Adi/19


