Film: 20 Proyek Akatara 2019
Category: editorial September 20, 2019. Credit: Fransiskus Narabeto KorohamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
Sigit Prabowo from the Talk Box Office (@BicaraBoxOffice) attended a panel discussion at Akatara 2019 at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Friday, September 20, 2019. This discussion filled the views and developments of the film industry in Indonesia. - JP / Narabeto Korohama / Adi / 19
Sigit Prabowo dari Bicara Box Office (@BicaraBoxOffice) menghadiri diskusi panel di Akatara 2019 di Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, Jumat 20 September 2019. Diskusi ini membahsa megenai pandangan dan perkembangan dari industri perfilman di Indonesia. - JP/Narabeto Korohama/Adi/19