Rumah Tua di Lingkungan The Thamrin Executive Residence Apartement
Category: editorial September 21, 2019. Credit: Fransiskus Narabeto KorohamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
The appearance of Lies's old house (64) was inside the Thamrin Executive Residence Apartment, Jakarta, Saturday, September 21, 2019. The condition of Lies's house looked decrepit, worn and hidden behind the apartment building. - JP / Narabeto Korohama / Adi / 19
Penampakan rumah tua mlik Lies (64) berada di dalam lingkungan Apartemen Thamrin Executive Residence, Jakarta, Sabtu, 21 September 2019. Kondisi rumah Lies tampak reyot, usang dan tersembunyi dibalik bangunan apartemen. - JP/Narabeto Korohama/Adi/19