Aksi Penolakan terhadap RKUHP, RUU Pertanahan dan Pengesahan UU KPK
Category: editorial September 23, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
A number of women holding posters containing requests for President Joko Widodo to help his people interrupted by the rejection of the legalization of the KPK Law, the Criminal Code Bill and the Land Bill in the North Sumatra DPRD, Monday (9/23). -JP / Apriadi Gunawan / Adi / 19
Sejumlah ibu-ibu memegang poster berisi permohonan agar Presiden Joko Widodo menolong rakyatnya disela aksi penolakan pengesahan UU KPK, RUU KUHP dan RUU Pertanahan di DPRD Sumut, Senin (23/9). -JP/Apriadi Gunawan/Adi/19