File: Escape Building
Category: editorial September 23, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
BNPB Head Syamsul Maarif and West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno reviewed the tsunami escape building at the top of the new building of the West Sumatra governor's office on Thursday (2/1). This building was designed with technology from Japan able to withstand 10 more SR earthquakes. - JP / Syofiardi Bachyul Jb / Adi / 19
Kepala BNPB Syamsul Maarif dan Gubernur Sumatra Barat Irwan Prayitno meninjau escape building tsunami di puncak gedung baru kantor gubernur Sumatra Barat, Kamis (2/1). Gedung ini dirancang dengan teknologi dari Jepang mampu menahan guncangan gempa 10 SR lebih. - JP/Syofiardi Bachyul Jb/Adi/19