Aksi Mahasiswa Jakarta Menolak RKUHP dan UU KPK
Category: editorial September 24, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Police officers continue to try to disperse the crowd by firing tear gas at demonstrators who refused to be disbanded, Tuesday (09/24/19). The participants in the action near the Slipover flyover in the direction of Slipi responded to the tear gas shot by cheering and clapping. -JP / Syelanita / Adi / 19
Aparat kepolisian terus berusaha membubarkan massa dengan melepas tembakan gas air mata ke arah demonstran yang menolak dibubarkan, Selasa (24/09/19). Para peserta aksi yang berada di dekat flyover arah Slipi membalas tembakan gas air mata dengan bersorak dan bertepuk tangan. -JP/Syelanita/Adi/19