Pasukan Asmaul Husna Polda Jatim
Category: editorial September 26, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Asmaul Husna's troops are the mainstay of East Java Regional Police to reduce the action #Surabaya Sues, 26 / September / 2019. Asmaul Husna's troops, numbering 300 personnel or two companies. They were also assisted by TNI personnel who also wore turban. Thousands of students and civil society protested against the passing of the KPK Law and the Criminal Code Bill, the Land Bill and the Penitentiary Bill in the East Java DPRD by naming their actions #Surabayaugug.-JP / Wahyoe Boediwardhana / Adi / 19
Pasukan Asmaul Husna andalan Polda Jatim redam aksi #Surabaya Menggugat, 26/September/2019. Pasukan Asmaul Husna ini, berjumlah 300 personel atau dua kompi. Mereka juga dibantu oleh personel TNI yang juga mengenakan sorban. Ribuan mahasiswa dan masyarakat sipil,melakukan aksi protes terhadap Pengesahan UU KPK dan RUU KUHP, RUU Pertanahan dan RUU Pemasyarakatan di DPRD Jawa Timur dengan menamakan aksi mereka #Surabaya Menggugat.-JP/Wahyoe Boediwardhana/Adi/19