File: Pabrik Elektronik PT LG Electtonic Indonesia
Category: editorial September 27, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
An employee completes the production of Ultra High Definition (Ultra HD TV) television with 55 inch screen dimensions in the Production Line Area - PT. LG Electronic Indonesia (LG), MM2100 Industrial Estate - Cibitung, Bekasi. Tuesday (12/03). Ultra HD TV consists of 84 inch, 65 inch and 55 inch screen dimensions. The addition of 65 inch and 55 inch variants to target a wider market, including consumers who have limited space. Ultra HD TV sales target is 200 units per month for all variants.-JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19
Seorang karyawan menyelesaikan produksi televisi Ultra High Definition (Ultra HD TV) berdimensi layar 55 inch di Area Line Produksi - PT. LG Electronic Indonesia (LG), Kawasan Industri MM2100 - Cibitung, Bekasi. Selasa (03/12). Ultra HD TV terdiri dari dimensi layar 84 inch, 65 inch dan 55 inch. Penambahan varian 65 inch dan 55 inch untuk menyasar pasar yang lebih luas termasuk konsumen yang memiliki ruangan terbatas. Target penjualan Ultra HD TV yaitu 200 unit per bulan untuk semua varian.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19