File: Penjualan Kosmetik
Category: editorial September 27, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Two women choose cosmetics at the Mall, Jakarta, Wednesday (12/25). The Indonesian Cosmetics Association and Cosmetics Association (PPA Cosmetics) in 2014 said the production cost of the cosmetics industry is estimated to rise by 47 percent, so that there will be price adjustments so that producers do not lose, driving the increase in production costs of the cosmetics industry ie there will be an increase in electricity tariffs for the industry. And the rupiah continues to weaken.-JP / Nurhayati / Adi / 19
Dua wanita memilih kosmetik di Mall, Jakarta, Rabu (25/12). Perhimpunan Perusahaan dan Asosiasi Kosmetika Indonesia (PPA Kosmetika) tahun 2014 mengatakan biaya produksi industri kosmetik diperkirakan naik hingga 47 persen, sehingga akan ada penyesuaian harga agar produsen tidak rugi, pendorong lonjakan biaya produksi industri kosmetik yaitu akan ada kenaikan tarif tenaga listrik untuk industri. Dan rupiah yang terus melemah.-JP/Nurhayati/Adi/19