Aksi Massa #Gejayan Memanggil di Yogyakarta
Category: editorial September 30, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
About 3000 people from various backgrounds such as students, artists, farmers, laborers, journalists and lecturers who are members of the People's Movement of Freedom Movement took part in the #GejayanMem calling. They demanded the government fulfill their demands, including the government issuing the KPPU Perppu. the action goes peacefully. Monday (30/9). -JP /Bambang Muryanto / Adi / 19
Sekitar 3000 orang dari berbagaikalangan seperti mahasiswa, seniman, petani, buruh, jurnalis dan dosen yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Rakyat Bergeraak ikut aksi #GejayanMemanggil. Mereka menuntut pemerintah agar memenuhi tuntutan mereka,antara lain pemerintaah menerbitkan Perppu KPK. aksi berjalan dengan damai. Senin (30/9). -JP /Bambang Muryanto/Adi/19