Hose down
Category: editorial October 01, 2019. Credit: Wendra AjistyatamaDESCRIPTION (EN)
A man directs water at a motorcyclist who uses it to clean his eyes after they were exposed to tear gas in Pejompongan, in Central Jakarta, on Tuesday. Riots broke in the area on Monday evening following protests near the House of Representatives compound in the afternoon.- JP / Wendra Ajistyatama / Adi / 19
Warga membantu pengendara motor menyediakan air untuk membilas mata yang pedih akibat sisa gas air mata di kawasan Pejompongan, Jakarta, Selasa, 1/10/2019. Rusuh kembali pecah saat aksi unjukrasa di kawasan DPR.-JP/Wendra Ajistyatama/Adi/19