Bulan Rosario
Category: editorial October 01, 2019. Credit:DESCRIPTION (EN)
Catholics in the Santo Andreas Parish Church, Sukaraja Bogor, carry out the procession by carrying the stretcher of Santa Maria (Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ). The procession marked the start of the month of Rosary, where every day during October, Catholics perform the Rosary, as a devotion to Santa Maria. Tuesday (1/10). -JP / Theresia Sufa / Adi / 19
Umat Katolik di Gereja Paroki Santo Andreas, Sukaraja Bogor, melaksanakan perarakan dengan memikul tandu Santa Maria (Ibunda Tuhan Yesus Kristus). Perarakan itu menandai dimulainya bulan Rosario, dimana setiap hari selama bulan Oktober, umat Katolik melakukan doa Rosario, sebagai devosi kepada Santa Maria. Selasa (1/10). -JP/Theresia Sufa/Adi/19